Oneida County, WI is located between Boulder Junction and Tomahawk in the north center part of the state with the Wisconsin River flowing through it. Oneida is known for its lakes, outdoor recreation, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, boating, bird watching, ATVing, hiking, biking, golfing, canoeing, kayaking, public land, which also has Squirrel River Pines, State Natural Area, Almon County Park, Enterprise Hemlocks State Natural Area, Pelican Lake, Willow Reservoir, Rainbow Lake, Tomahawk Lakes, and Echo Lake plus a couple communities including; Minocqua, Woodruff, Hazlhurst, Lake Tomahawk, Newbold, McNaughton, Harshaw, Sugar Camp, Three Lakes and Rhinelander. It's surrounded by 5 other Counties; Vilas, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln and Price. On this page you will find Bars, Bars & Grills, Taverns, Pubs, Nightclubs, Sports Bar, Saloon, Micro Brewery, Whisky Bar, Dance Club, Wine Bar, Hotel Bar, Restaurant Serving Alcohol, Irish Pub, College Bar, Lounge, Cigar Bar, Dive Bar, Music Joint, Specialty Bars, Cocktail Lounge, Beer Bar, but NO Home Bars and more located in this county listed by real estate agents. Oneida County, Wisconsin GIS MAP Information!
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Bars & Grills | Taverns | Pubs | Saloons | Cocktail Lounges | Nightclubs | Micro Breweries
The section below is populated by, a Landman Realty LLC website that scrapes WIREX. WIREX consists of about 9 Wisconsin MLS systems covering the majority of the state. You can register with under “Advance Search” and recreate these types of Bars Select COMMERCIAL under property type Select a LOCATION and Select BEER/LIQUOR & TAVERN/BAR under Bus Com Type (uses CTRL to select multiple items OR SHIFT for multiple items in a row). If no properties are present, then check back often or register with to setup an auto email search so that you can be the first to know about newly listed Pubs, Taverns or Bars & Grills properties in the area of your choice! - REGISTER